I hope you all had a great Easter. Aaron and I went to church, then had brunch at my parents' house, and then headed over to Aaron's parents' house for supper. It was a very good eating day, as well as a good day for reflecting.
My friend Dan played Jesus for their church production. It was a pretty big deal and Dan did a great job, from what I hear, and I feel badly that I missed it because I was out of town. Here are a few amazing photos Kinsey Anderson took of "The Thorn" production.

Thanks, Kinsey, for allowing me to share those photos!
Dan is one of my best friends and is dating one of my best friends, Sarah--she and I have been friends since 2nd grade-- We were in orchestra and track, went through many years of tennis together and were captains our senior year, we went through middle school, high school, and college together--which is where we got even closer. She was also my maid of honor. Aaron and I hang out with Sarah and Dan whenever we get the chance(I suppose that is true with all of our friends, ha:)). Sarah and I have our own date on Saturday. We're going to see the Minnesota Orchestra play some Rachmaninoff. Sarah called me from a silent auction asking if she should bid on the tickets because she knows Rachmaninoff is my fave. Call me an orch dork, but I am thrilled.
woo hoo! You're back! I've been wanting to email to ask you ow everything went! I'm so glad you ahd a great time. :-) Can't wait to hear all the details!
OoOo Nimmy!!! I didn't know he was in a play. That would have been really cool to see. I love the pictures taken of it! I really can't wait to hear about your trip! :)
Ginger! It was so cool to meet you in vegas, let me know if you are ever coming through Chicago!
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