I've been busy with editing these days, but I promise I will start to update more come the end of April! I am so thankful that I finally have the time I need to get some things done (now that a lot of the business stuff is being taken care of and figured out!). I feel that I'm still trying to recover from my first full year in business. I have learned so much, and I can't wait to use what I've learned.
I also hope to hang out with my husband, who I have hardly had time to see in the past two months. He has been incredible though. One example was that when I got back from the convention last week, I came home to a completely clean house-- AND all of my laundry was done. We do our laundry separately (not a big deal--but maybe different than most couples?) so it was SO amazing of him to take on that huge load! (And I do mean HUGE load... I hadn't been able to do laundry for well over a month. God bless Aaron!!!).
Some really great news-- a friend and fellow photographer, Erin, is getting married this weekend. I am SO looking forward to shooting her wedding! Erin also works for First Day Photo, where I worked for two years. I'll be covering a few days there this week since Erin is off for obvious reasons!:)
Now that laundry is caught up, I have no excuse but to catch up on sharing photos with you as well! I will attempt 2 posts per week at least.
Samantha and Andrew's wedding, September 2007 (absolutely gorgeous day):

Steph used the 70-200 from the back of the church (we love that lens!!) to get this shot. So pretty (This is also my church!)

Some 'tude before the reception!

(Steph used the 70-200 for this one too-- GORGEOUS fall colors that day, and gorgeous shot, Steph!:-D)

End of the first dance. Steph and an incredible angle on this one (not to mention rockin composition)! You never know which way a groom is going to dip!--Thank you to Sam and Andrew for dipping this way! haha! :-D

Andrew (and person who belongs to that hand) enjoying the dance:

Andrew and me!

Samantha and her dad, Greg--who was my 4th grade Sunday School teacher:)

Excited to be brother-in-laws!