It's been such an irregularly scheduled past 2 months... I'm looking forward to August and beyond, because I feel like it will be more consistent. In the meantime, I'm headed out of town for the rest of the week(one last time before the BUSY season of 15 weddings in 3 months hits!!). I'll be back in the office on Monday/Tuesday.
Just got a new point and shoot camera, so I'll be testing it out-- yay! Will share pics from it later.
Here it is:

It's a Canon Powershot SD1200.
This is a secret, so don't tell anyone... The last two Point and Shoot cameras I've had were Nikon... but I shoot Canon for weddings... However, my first Nikon P&S was way more impressive than the 2nd one I had... so I thought I'd switch it up!
Just for reference, though... I'm not one of those "Canon is better than Nikon!!!" photographers... I know nothing about Nikon cameras, ha:) But i do have to say, I will miss shooting with my 5d Mark II up north this weekend! Thought it would be more safe when left home, however.
I wanted a green one, but they didn't have it... only crazy bright colors, which aren't so much my fave.
Random-- I really enjoy wearing dark purple lately.
Everyone have a fantastic weekend!
You know I was just reading in the latest issue of Vogue that purple is the IT color.. so you're right in line ;)
Hi. I don't know you and you don't know me, but I have to get one thing off my chest: If you ever were to leave your husband, please let me know. I'm an athletic, funny non-smoker who kicks ass in the kitchen.
All the best
(Sidenote before I comment - WOAH to the comment above. Look at you and how hot you are!)
I'm loving the eggplant color too - I think it ROCKS with our red hair.
Annnnnnnnd, all of my p&s cameras in life were Canon but when I purchased my SLR I went with Nikon. Strange how that works. :)
Whoa indeed, bah haha!
Jag älskar min make mycket och inte kommer att lämna honom. Det kommer att finnas gott om ensamstående flickor som du kan attrahera, jag är säker. Kvinnor gillar mannen som kan cook. Good luck. You will do just fine:)
Oh OH OH! I've wanted a fun P&S for awhile now. Something I can stick in my pocket when I go out instead of carrying my SLR. You should give a review later if you like it! :-)
Will do, Melissa P! I will try to do that sometime within the next 2 weeks!
So fun! I love random. And I've been on a purple kick for MONTHS. Hehe, I'm claiming here in my office that I started the craze becuase they have been teasing me forever about all the purple. But I love it. Have fun with the new point and shoot! Mine is broken, so I'm waiting to see if it can be fixed or get a new one ;)
I want your review now - please and thank you!
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