I have an amazing tax lady this year to help me though, since I have so much other stuff to keep track of now having business expenses and such.
It's really funny... Steph and I were just saying, "Where does all the money go...?"
I sat down and figured out all the business expenses in the last year. All I can say is "WOW. THAT'S where it all went!" LOL!
I'm very careful with how I spend my business money though. I usually do a lot of research on equipment and products so that I know I'm getting the best-- and I also try to find the best deal. www.resellerratings.com has helped me a lot-- I have ordered equipment from Canoga Camera, B&H, Adorama, Calumet, and Profeel. Beach Camera also is a good company. They each have great prices and awesome customer service. I get memory cards (Lexar and SanDisk) when they are on sale at Best Buy, B&H and even Office Depot. Aaron has done all of the hardware purchasing-- He's got a Computer Science degree... I think I'll let him handle that:) He saved us a lot of money by purchasing separate parts and building our desktop computer. He's good at researching the best products and prices too. It's important to do researching when you're going to buy such important equipment!
My friend Erin is starting her first year in business and we were talking about the list of things that you have to get in the first year of business (equipment, software, hardware, websites, educational stuff)-- The list is SO long! My list is definitely shorter this year, but I'm thinking the "list" never goes away!
I can at least say that of the business purchases I have made, I only regret two of them!
1) The bigger camera bag I got. It is so unbalanced and awkward to carry! But, I am thankful I have a bag to put all my equipment in. A bigger bag was necessary. It's kind of funny, though...it has this really long random strap on the bottom of it (it really serves no purpose). I try to tuck the strap in, and it always falls out and tickles my legs or drags on the ground, or gets caught in things. Steph and I carpooled to a reception once, and she goes, "WHAT is that NOISE...??" We couldn't figure it out, and then she goes, "IT'S YOUR CAMERA BAG STRAP!! haha!!!" It was caught in the car door and was flapping against the side of the car as we were driving! HAHA!! When I get home, I always forget to cut it off or do SOMETHING with it. Maybe I'll do that before this weekend's wedding.
2) Batteries!!! I went through SO many AA batteries for my flash this year-- I finally invested in rechargeable batteries at the end of the year. I should have done that sooner!
I hope I can at least get SOME money back this year. I have no clue what to expect, since 2007 was my first full year in business. It will be interesting.
Oh, taxes...
(This is a photo of me doing taxes)

t.a.x.e.s blech :P have an awesome weekend ginger!
I am really glad you liked Sharol! She really really really knows her stuff!
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