Today I was listening to Dishwalla. Most of you probably know one of their songs, "Counting Blue Cars." (The title probably doesn't ring a bell. Go to their Myspace page HERE, scroll down and click on that song. You'll likely know it. Not their best song, IMO, but their most popular.)"Candleburn" never disappoints to create emotion. To listen to bits of the other tracks, click HERE and scroll down.

I don't have time to watch TV much, so I watch my favorite performers of American Idol on YouTube after they perform. I've always thought David Cook should sing a Dishwalla song... he has that type of memorizing voice, and if he sang the high notes that JR(lead singer of Dishwalla) sings, the audience would melt.
Anywho, so I thought today, "Whatever happened to Dishwalla??" I couldn't really find anything from doing a quick google search, and I felt really sad-- because I thought it would be such a waste of talent if JR didn't sing anymore and Dishwalla never went on tour anymore? While I only go to a concert or so a year (not including orchestra concerts) I actually felt really sad about that thought that I would never hear them again. I had such an emotional connection with their music. Well, I looked on their Myspace page and it said JR is coming out with a solo album in May. I'm extremely exited. HERE is his page. "Winter Sun" is a good song. "Angels or Devils" was on Opaline, but it seems he varied it from the original. Love it either way. Can't wait to see what else is on the album.

So maybe there's hope to seeing JR in concert again? Here's a video someone posted on YouTube. Bad sound quality, but shows
that he ROCKS. (You know how sometimes you see a concert, and the singer can't sing in tune? This is NOT the case with JR from my experience.)
Alright, done with the babble. Just a bit passionate:) These guys never got the publicity they deserved.
I knew there was a reason why we're friends! I'd agree with you on all fronts - the music selection is vital for productivity/creativity for me as well.
Also, Dishwalla = awesome. Although my tastes have changed significantly and I've distanced myself from much of the music that I listened to in high school, they're one of the bands that I always come back to on iTunes and remember how much I like them. Nice work, pal! Blog friendz 4 life!
HI Ginger,
How are you?
nice advice for lightroom.
How was wppi?
great music ginger!!!
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