If you are wondering, these are the blogs and websites I frequent most/have bookmarked!
Facebook.A way for me to stay connected to a lot of people & learn about people. I honestly enjoy people. I enjoy encouraging others, commenting on photos and videos and statuses. I have had people ask me if I am constantly on facebook. Yes, and no. I am in front of my computer most of the day, editing, emailing, writing up quotes, doing some research for business, reading about business, and getting inspired. In between exporting some newly edited photos, or resizing them, I will jump on facebook. It's a little break of sanity for me during the day, because I am at home alone (well ok, Sparty is here with me), but for those of you who do not know me, I am a people person! I love going out for coffee/drinks/food with new people. Because I can't do that during the day while I'm working, Facebook serves as an awesome outlet for me. I can honestly say that I am interested in all people. Not in the sense that I want to be a stalker, LOL! But I have an honest interest in people. I care about them. What is going on in their lives, what can I help them with, connections with them, etc. Sometimes, a person's status update can make my day:)
Open Source Photo forumIt's the "nice" photography forum for photographers who are looking to help others succeed, get some answers to questions, and just commune with other photographers. There are a few forums out there, and some of them are full of competition and mean people. Seriously! If you are a photographer and have not joined OSP yet, please do so! I love the community there.
FastTrack Photographer Forum:My new friend Dane Sanders started this community. I went to Dane's workshop in May, and it was fantastic. I highly, highly, recommend it. I'll be starting a Minnesota group dedicated to encouraging one another, setting goals, and so much more. If you're interested, contact me. He'll be coming to Minnesota in a couple weeks-- sign up on MNPPA.com asap! Also, if you're able to, sign up for his workshop-- you will not regret it. It is life changing.
****Photographers' Blogs*****
Paul Johnson's Blog:I think Paul is one of my favorite artists in the country right now. His work is inspiring. He sees things in a way that are so refreshing, and breathtaking. You rock, Paul!
Ohana Photography BlogIf anyone knows how to have a good time, and take photos of that good time, it's this family!!! I don't feel I need to say much more-- go check out the blog!
Braeden Rogers/Ambient 11 PhotographyInspiring that someone so much younger than me (ok, not THAT much younger) can have such a developed feel for his own style already. His style is consistent, and love for light is obvious. Braeden, I hope we'll get to meet in person at some point! Continue to be awesome in the meantime. Much love!
David Jay's blogThe creator of Open Source Photo forum, and the owner of the Showit business(tools for photographers), DJ has been an inspiration for me for the past 2 years. Had the pleasure of meeting him in Vegas and hear him speak in Missouri. A truly genuine guy, interested in helping photographer's succeed. I admire his faith, honestly, and ability to deal with so many fans and haters at the same time, ha! He's now put aside wedding photography (for awhile, or forever?) and pursued speaking gigs and Showit. He's almost 30 and could retire if he felt like it. I'm way jealous, ha!! But he's worked hard for it, and continues to bless so many people (including myself). Love ya, Deej!
Photo Lovecat BlogSharing the love, is what they do! Lovecat, a term coined by Tim Sanders, I believe, is simply all about being a loving person, and helping others-- and you'll get so much in return for doing so. A blog written for photographers to help them get ahead in the business-- we're in this together! :)
Jasmine Star's Blog:Does this girl need an introduction in the photography world?? NOPE! But to ANY lover of photography and of blog reading who hasn't checked out her blog, go now! She is definitely an entertainer... and she takes some pretty photos too;)
The Blog of Stacy CrossThe spunky/crazy gorgeous curly haired, Texan photographer-- I adore her work, and her personality, and I can't wait to meet her in person someday. She is an inspiration with both her photos, and her amazingness. You are fantabulous, Stace! Love ya!
The Blog of Amy Wenzel: Her work is absolutely phenomenal.
Aside from that, she has a true strength-- her faith in God. Her husband was diagnosed with brain cancer recently. You can read about it on her blog. I pray for her husband, and their whole family.
En Pointe Photography Blog: Susan takes TRULY breathtaking images.... just fabulous!!
Brandi Thompson's blog:A friend from Open Source Photo forum, we are similar in age, and amount of sass.
Melissa Koehler's Blog:Been following Melissa's blog for a year and a half, about? This girl gets better and better, as if that were even possible! She has an adorable son with the most amazing blue eyes, too! She is one to be admired for being both a mom and a business owner, all while taking some pretty great pics!
Jesh de Rox:A true visionary...
An amazing person, and artist. Sometimes words can't express... just go look at his work:)
Megan Elle's Blog:Just came across her while doing the I (Heart) faces contest! I love her style-- looking forward to possibly getting to know her!
Andrew Vick/Living Room Studios/Vick Photography: A friend of a friend, I was introduced to Andrew's work when a classmate of mine had him for her wedding photography. I recently decided to look into his blog again, and BAM, I am slapped with incredible imagery. I told Andrew he is my favorite Minnesota photographer, and he has got to be one of the best in the country. Truly wonderful work... just WOW!!!!!
Other sites I visit frequently:
Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep metro/MN blog. As a volunteer and member of the
NILMDTS community, it's where we can find out what's going on, support other volunteer photographers, sign up for on call days, and post some of our work. It's a private forum only for members, but it is a site that I frequent.
Anthropologie.com, BananaRepublic.com, and JCrew.com(I don't feel I need to explain myself with these:))
ResellerRatings.comWhen I was starting out as a photographer, Brad Person pointed me to this website because I didn't understand, "Why is this lens going for so cheap!? Is it too good to be true!?" "Yes!" He said, and sent me to this website. I now check out all photography gear sellers on this website, and also compare prices between all the reputable sellers.
Of course I visit other blogs, and other websites from time to time!
These are the fabulous blogs of my Minnesota "Photo Girls."-- A group of fellow female photographers who rock! :)
Melissa LouiseOlivia WagnerPhotogen/EliesaErika McCauleySally/La Vie PhotographyDolce StudiosOH!!! And I can't forget YouTube, and the
Fail Blog -- both often provide me with a good laugh! :)