Current weather:

Heat wave in Minnesota!! Happens a couple of times a year, typically. In Minnesota, we never know what to expect for weather. One day it's 80, and the next day it snows... or 85 degrees on day, and then 40 and rainy the next. (For real! That's how it is sometimes!)
I prefer it to be 65-69 if I have to be inside all day (then I can have the windows open!) Or, 75-80 degrees and sunny with a slight breeze if I'm going to be outside:)
On Friday, I photographed Ashley and Nick's wedding in Maple Grove. It was a beautiful day, but pretty humid. We got to the reception, then the HUGE and pretty scary cloud rolled in. Stretched across the sky for miles. Everyone was a bit concerned for severe weather of some sort. Dinner at the reception started... heavy rain, some lightning, spinny clouds...warm and cold air swirling around... then the storm passed... then the sun came out.. there was a rainbow... and shortly after, a gorgeous warm-glowing sunset! Crazy how weather is sometimes.
What's your favorite weather??
Funny... right now I have Katy Perry's song in my head...
Cause you're hot then you're cold
You're yes then you're no
You're in and you're out
You're up and you're down
You're wrong when it's right
It's black and it's white
We fight, we break up
We kiss, we make up
I scoff in your general direction. :P Wednesday through Friday this week is supposed to be 100 degrees, and I am sure that means 'feels like 110'.
looooove warm weather! you know that! enjoy the warmth ginger!
I scoff, too! :) It gets to about 102-104 these days in Austin and, YES, it feels like 523!
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