One of my very best friends is getting married in a week!! We had her bachelorette party on Friday night. We first went out to the very fun Loring Pasta Bar, and listened to some jazz/blues music, and ate fabulous pasta. We then headed back to my place for some drinks, gift opening, entertaining conversation, and ice cream. They slept over, and then we went to breakfast in the AM too. We had a blast! I can't wait for Sarah and Dan's wedding in a week... in which I will bawl like crazy.
Steph and I passed the camera around during dinner. Here are some shots! Steph did the editing-- love them!

The gorgeous bride-to-be!:)

Marie and I shared some apps:

The groom's sisters!

Sarah and Cor.

Steph and Sar.

Quick shot before leaving for my place. Kris, Deanna, Sarah, me, Tricia, and Corrie!
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