Ok, I promise not to always update you on my health issues, but it's really all I have to write about at the moment, and...I could use some prayers.
I haven't been feeling 100% Tuesday/Wed/and Today. I thought I was feeling better when I wrote the last post... but I was dealing with a weird stomach feeling that i thought, "Hey, this will go away-- no big deal-- I'm better!" Finally went to Walgreens tonight at 10:30pm to figure out if there's something I could take to relieve the pain I've been having... I couldn't figure out why i was having this constant burning feeling in my stomach and esophagus. My worse fear was that it was cancer (because naturally, that's what I always fear anyway even with the smallest symptom!). My second worst (and more logical) fear was that it was an ulcer. I've had h-Pylori in my stomach before (it's this bacteria that they've found is the cause of ulcers). That was when I was 20 years old. A possible ulcer at 20? I know, crazy, right? When I had that bacteria I had to take 2 weeks worth of this REALLY not fun medicine. And a week through one of the medicines, I realized I was taking too small of a dose, so I had to continue with that med for an additional 3rd week. I remember crying on the phone with a nurse at the clinic, asking if there wasn't ANYTHING else they could prescribe, or if MAYBE it would just go away on it's own. It was just a very unpleasant 3 weeks. But, I did get rid of the little jerks in my stomach. HOWEVER, they can come back, apparently?
So, when I was having this burning, I was concerned I had an ulcer. I couldn't take it tonight anymore, so I stopped at Walgreens, and didn't know what med to get for relief, so I talked with the pharmacist. I have pretty regular acid reflux (but have not been officially diagnosed with acid reflux disease, as I have not been to the doctor about that yet...and probably should soon). So, I was telling the pharmacist about the type of burning I was feeling, and told him that it's not really even like acid reflux-- because that isn't usually constant... but this burning... this was constant. I told him that I had been sick on Monday and Tuesday, and that on Tuesday I threw up 2 times--blood and stomach acid only-- I hadn't had anything in my stomach. According to a nurse I talked to, the blood was because my stomach was empty both times-- which made sense. So, the pharmacist tonight asked me how hard my stomach was working to throw up on Tuesday(which was very much, for quite some time-- it wasn't fun at all), and he guessed that I had an acid burn in part of my stomach(the entrance) and up my esophagus. Ahh--makes perfect sense again... and that's what it feels like... that it's all burned. AND, it completely sucks.
The last 3 days, nothing has tasted good because it doesn't feel good going down, and when it's down, it just burns in my stomach. Now I know it's been because of the normal stomach acids doing their job... but with an acid burn, it doesn't feel so great. :( I am sooo hungry, but nothing sounds good, and everything hurts to eat... so I've been eating so much less the past 3 days. UGH, only God knows how hungry I am right now, and I'm so torn between eating and having pain, or being hungry. Not even a glass of milk feels good.
So, per the pharmacist's request, I picked up some Maalox (strawberry flavor, which really isn't bad--and I typically HATE liquid meds) to settle the current acid goin on and hopefully coat the acid burn, and some Prilosec to start in the morning to help prevent further acid at least for a couple weeks so my stomach and esophagus can heal(I have no idea how long it will take to heal). So, I could definitely use some prayers...
Wedding rehearsal today (Friday), and then the wedding is on Saturday. I don't want to be uncomfortable for the entire day, and I would really love to enjoy my steak dinner... I mean, I would REALLY love to enjoy it. Did I mention I am SO hungry?... Food is my hobby, and one of my true joys in life (as dumb as that may sound, it's very true)... I really hope this doesn't last much longer.
I'm going to go try to eat (I'm just far too hungry) and chug some Maalox...
Sorry for all the medical info, and the Debbie Downer attitude. Things just aren't good the past week! :(