I would love for you to check them out!
I feel they are a great way for my prospective clients (as well as my friends and
family!) to see what it is that I actually DO on a wedding day! To see how I work
with my clients, and to see what my clients say about me!
Go here:
Then go to the "LOVE" Section.
Then to "The Difference (Watch videos)."
There are 4 videos total.
A huge superthanks to Ben at Myrick Visual He was the director, videographer,
and a ton of other stuff-- the guy who did a TON of work on these!.. oh yeah,
and he's one of my best friends... but I'm not sure he sells friendship as a
service of Myrick Visual). I will be indebted to him for life, most likely.
**Also, Big thanks to**
Ameen-- our incredible sound guy who knows more about doing
sound than I know about anything, really.
Lindsay & Andy, Amanda & Ryan W., and Terese & Ryan K!!!
You all rock. I am so blessed with amazing clients!
We also obtained the proper licenses and permissions for all of the music used in the videos(which is very important to me).
Thank you to Sara and Troy Groves for the Master License for Sara's gorgeous song, "Add to the Beauty"--
which is at the end of the 1st video. The song could not have been a more perfect fit!
Also, thanks to Jorge for the song at the beginning of the 1st vid-- it was exactly what we were looking for.
This is Ben....

This is me and Mao. I got to see her everytime I'd come over to Ben's to discuss
the videos. I love Mau. (She belongs to one of Ben's roommates.)

This is how Ben often feels about Mau:

Ben and I also discussed Yoga and balance. This is Ben showing me how to do it.
(This is also Ben looking like he has a partial stem.)

My attempts...

What else is new???
I am currently working on my brand so that it reflects who I am today
versus who I was when I started as a photographer nearly 3 years ago. I will let you
know when that is all finished, too;) It is quite the creative process, that's for sure!
Wow Wow Wow! I love it!
I got chills! Ginger this is amazing! Incredible job!
Chills! YAY! That means we are doing something right! I'll pass along the encouragement to Ben too! Thanks, DJ!
Ginger, your videos made me cry! You rock and Ben too. I'm so proud of you!
oh dang, Ging! The videos are WAY good - Ben totally captured you 'in your element' and you look like the seasoned pro that you are!
Sangin, I always read your blog and look at pictures. What a great site you have up and running. Mega kudos to your tech support person.
Looks AMAZING Ginger!!! Good for you!!! This is top notch!
LOVED the videos. They turned out fabulously. You are a rock star photographer!
Oh man, Amanda... don't give me that title, haha!:) I want my clients to be the rockstars!!!:) I'm more like the stage hand.
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