Love these two! We braved the cold, and had a ton of fun. I'm sure their July wedding will hold much promise for warmer weather (which, as Minnesotans, we are very much looking forward to!).

(really crazy story.... my dad's company actually designed the screens that are used for the look of this building! They typically do screens/filters for water, but lately, the company is getting more requests for screens to use for architectural design.).

You see that balcony of the blue building in the background? That's the Guthrie... and, where we started the photoshoot! Look back at the first pic in the post! :)
Ginger I love these! Great job. I can't wait to see you & Steph next week!
I love the one on the escalator!
Great shots! Loved that shot in the lounge the best!
Thanks, guys!
I loooove this location! And the lighting and colors are killer. Well done!!
lovin the shot on the escalator!
I had a feeling that was you doing that engagement session that day! I was down there with my hubby that day!
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