Also, my point and shoot camera has been busted for a few months now... now is a good time to take it in to get fixed so I am not completely without a creative outlet relating to photography. I remember the first time my FIRST point and shoot broke. It was my junior year of college. I had NO idea how much I truly loved taking photos, and how OFTEN I took photos until that camera broke. They took a month to repair that point and shoot, and I was in agongy! I realized that I probably had used my camera nearly ever single day... it's no wonder it wore out, ha:)
Thank God for extended warranties they offer at Circuit City and Best Buy. Let me tell you this... Whenever you purchase a point and shoot camera, if you know you will be using it a lot, it is SO worth it to get the extended warranty. SO worth it. I bought it for both of my point and shoots, and it was what... $60...? Well, it saves me the money that I don't have to spend getting it repaired now, or buying a new one!
I await the day of my babies' return.... returns... (?).
I have plenty to do in the next two weeks though... some editing, shooting the rest of my promo vid(So excited!), meeting with clients and friends, and Christmas related things, of course!
In the meantime, I will rely on my trusty camera phone for random everyday use.
It took these photos in low light, which isn't too shabby for a camera phone.
This is my friend Marie getting texts from my friend Matt and me.

This is Matt and me laughing at the texts we were sending Marie.

Matt is going to Iraq for the LAST TIME in a couple weeks! Then he is home in Minnesota for good in July. He's been in the Air Force for what seems like 10 years (I'm sure he feels the same), so it will be fun to have him around for good! His little girl (pictured with him in my "Family Pics" post, just a few posts down) will be happy with that as well! Thanks for serving, Matt!
THAT is Rose? Holy smokes! I can't believe how old she is--wasn't she just born? She is adorable, as are your pictures of her with her daddy.
Godspeed, Matt. Come home safely.
Yeah, she just turned 3! Isn't that crazy?
I am getting old, for sure.
Thanks for the b-day call. Sam and I were at the movie theatre at that particular moment, so I could not chat with you :(
Remember when Aaron turned 24 and we thought "WOW, he is SO old!"? Look at us now!
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