I have always loved Valentine's Day. I have a few photos from my first few Valentine's Days...
In one of the first Valentine's Day photos, I had a large chocolate heart filled with marshmallow that I was eating in my walker. Apparently, our dog came and took it right out of my hand. I don't THINK I remember this because I was so young... but at the same time it seems like I do, because I have a photo to jog my memory, and my parents told me so many times about that V-Day... and someone stealing chocolate from me...? That was probably the most traumatic event that happened to me when I was that age! I mean, I would be ridiculously upset if someone stole chocolate from me now!
In another Valentine's Day photo, I posed in my light pink and lavender heart sweatsuit with my mom, in her red dalmatians-with-hearts hoodie. There is another photo I have of my dad lifting me up to give me a big kiss on the cheek in the kitchen. I don't know if it was from Valentine's Day, but I like to think that I got a kiss from my dad on V-Day!
I loved giving out valentines at school, and decorating my valentine box. I also loved GETTING valentines. I remember flipping through them over and over when I got home while I ate my chocolate and Sweethearts. There was something so exciting about Valentine's Day to me! I always dressed up in pink, red, black lace, or I just dressed to impress:) In 7th grade, I remember staying up until 1am the night before, because I hand-made valentine's cards. After I made them for my friends, I had started thinking of other people who would enjoy cards who may not receive one. I started making those, and I put as much love into those as the cards I made for my friends. As I was sitting there making them, well aware of the time, I remember starting to cry a little. I cried because I was happy that I was making those cards, and I knew those people would enjoy them. The next day I couldn't find some of the people I wanted to give the cards to, but those I did find, were very surprised. The day after Valentine's Day, one of the girls I gave a card to came up to me and told me how much she really loved the card and that it made her feel so special--then she gave me a big hug.
At 13 years old, I'm not sure why I thought of making those cards. But that's exactly what love is about-- doing something for others-- And that's what it's for-- sharing.
My mom stopped by yesterday and dropped off a gift from her and my dad. It was so sweet, and I always love a chance to see family, if even for a bit!
I love all of my family and my amazing best friends (I have so many who I love!!),
and there are so many special people that I have a chance to meet on a regular basis...I LOVE meeting new people and learning about them, and their passions! I wish
we still made Valentine's Day card boxes like we did in school. And if I had time this year, I would have made everyone a valentine card! But next year... I will next year.
Show love, and share love with someone today. Even if it's something simple, and if it's just for an acquaintance you meet or for a friend (Valentine's Day doesn't have to be about being in a relationship you guys!!). I'm not saying make out with a stranger in an elevator. But this is really too awesome of a day to pass up an opportunity to do something for someone.
Tonight, I'm going to make a nice dinner, and play a board game and watch some TV with Aaron. I might make a few errands during th day today too, so there's an opportunity to see other people and at very least, give them a smile.
(Here's a photo from our 1.5 day vacation a week ago:)...)

And, a photo of my other lover boy snuggling with me....

Don't let anyone steal your chocolate marshmallow heart today!! ;)
u are too cute!!!
have a happy valentine's day today guys! if it'll make you feel better it's sprinkling here in S.D. so get off that computer and enjoy each other!
that's a cute profile pic.
Thanks guys!
We had a good Vday!
Thanks, Steven!
Can Tommy come play with Spartie?
Thanks, you guys!
Jess, you guys can come visit any time!
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