Here's one while you wait:

Pam and John's e-session was AWESOME. I can't wait to post more when
I get some time!
Just last week I was saying, "I think this year is more stressful than my junior year of college!!" That was one tough year! I was taking more credits than I ever had and I was in orchestra and cello lessons.
It was a year where I worked VERY hard and I learned a ton. I think that most of my classes were focused on my major(Communication) and my minor (Psychology)--I was completely emerged in education. So it was a worthwhile was just a LOT to handle, and I had little time for hanging out with friends... I was lucky to be living with 3 of my best friends.
Finals week was completely chaotic. I remember studying so hard, and working on big projects. I also remember finishing my last final-- a huge paper. I ran to my prof's door and slipped it under, and ran up 2 flights of stairs to go get my cello to bring home, and ran down 3 flights of stairs to get to the shuttle to go back to my apartment. When I got to my apartment, I went into my room, shut the door, and just BAWLED. It didn't feel good, either. It was a very emotionally painful cry. I don't think I had cried for months, because I was so busy and focused. There wasn't room for me to connect with myself emotionally. And on top of that, I was having this tight pain in my chest--where my heart was-- that I couldn't explain. It had been affecting me for a week, and was gradually getting worse.. it hurt to take in deep breaths because once I'd let it out, it would get tighter around my heart. The pain even went up into my left shoulder and arm. I figured it was maybe a combination of amount of stress, ritilan(I have a perscription, don't worry), lots of caffiene & espresso, and no sleep... I was afraid that I damaged my heart. I went and got an EKG/stress test done (I ran on a treadmil, and then they monitored my heart). They said I had some abnormal heart beats, but that wasn't necessarily "abnormal." They prescribed Prilosec OTC for me. I tried to explain that the tight, pinching pain I was feeling was NOT heartburn(which I have had before), and I was mad that I had to take the medicine. Strangely enough, the medicine worked. I was thankful for that.
I compare this year to that year in that it's my first full year in business... I am emerged in it completely, and I know it's important to work hard in the photography business, especially the first year. I have not had a ton of time to hang out with friends, or even my husband very much for that matter. But he has been supportive and understanding--it is more difficult to explain to some of my friends and my sib-in-laws why I don't have a ton of time. But I know this year I have worked hard, and that's what I've had to do. It's been an amazing year, at the same time.
**I am not saying that I am stressed so you should feel bad for me, haha:)
Stress is a part of life. We all expereience different levels of stress, and our bodies each handle stress differently! I know some people get really sick physically. I usually don't-- even with the lack of sleep.
But apparently, just like junior year, my body is like, "Nuh uh."
Just last week, I started feeling a little bit of tightness over my heart. It's gradually gotten worse this week, and last night it was so serious that I was starting to wonder(panic) if I should go to the doctor. I went to bed, and got some Prilosec OTC today... just waiting for it to kick in.
Inside the box were "Tips for Managing Heartburn."
*Do not eat late at night or just before bedtime. ((Well when you're up until 4am, you have to eat again!))
*Certain foods or drinks are more likely to cause heartburn, such as rich, spicy, fatty, and fried foods, chocolate, caffeine, alcohol, and even some fruits and vegetables. ((Well dang... there goes my diet!))
*Eat slowly and do not eat big meals. ((I'm not one to eat slowly when I have no time to eat...)
So while it's said that stress does not CAUSE heartburn, but can be worsened by, it makes me think it's probably the way I eat and sleep when I get stressed that cause this problem. Oy. Because I see similar patterns, I think it IS the same issue as I had 2 1/2 years ago. I can only pray that it is.. because it's pretty painful.
It won't be long until I'm caught up and am able to get back on a regular eating and sleeping schedule. I can't wait!! :)
blessings to you. keep your chin up!
indeed it is chili's and thanks i am very new at this and i just didn't want to get somethin that will break in half a year after working hard to pay for it, you know? more of my work is at my deviantart account
GIRL! I am feeling your pain! We got to learn from the get go to take care of us. I have been trying to put the breaks on for months and it is so hard. You don't think that you are doing too much until you enter into editing hell. ;0 I am leaving in an hour to do the 1st Christmas shopping yet to date AND I HAVE 3 KIDS!!!! YIKES! Good luck in finding some time for you. I need some luck, no, prayers too.
gheeze. outsource your life, girl! :)
I think we all hear you! It's just this time of year, everything is going on with no time to spare! It was nice talking with you at the live chat with DJ!
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