Today, I spent the day with the Murray (and Rose) family. Aaron's uncle Bob and aunt Carolyn came in from Maryland, and his uncle Don flew in from Burbank, CA. Don was able to come because he's not working right now due to the writer's strike! He does sound for TV and film. We visited him while we were honeymooning in CA in July 2007. We were very excited that he could make it to Minnesota this year!
Don supplied us with some tough news (even though everyone else has probably already heard)--- That "24" has been postponed until 2009!!! My heart is broken because of this. Do they even know how hard it is to wait 6 months for the next season?? But now we have to wait a whole YEAR??? ARRGH!!!! I'm just... ARGGH!!! The agony!!!!!!!!!
Yay! Here are some photos!
(some won't flip to the vertical orientation... I've tried everything.
Not sure what's up there... so you'll just have to tilt your head in the meantime:))
Highlights of the evening...
Goofin off with cousin-in-law Katie, and sister-in-law Jessica:

A favorite angle... haha! :

Don called cousin Katie's new boyfriend (REALLY new... like 2 weeks new) to introduce himself. Katie about died. It was hilarious.

Guitar hero!
(I'll give you a hint who the hero was.... it wasn't me. But I tried to act the part...)

Aaron and Katie are really good....

Jessica rocks out to guitar hero songs:

(she's going to kill me if she sees I posted this photo....haha!)
And I got to be with my husband.

It's been wonderful to spend the past 3 days with him. My parents and I joined up at the Olive Garden (one of my fave places!!!) with my side of the family on Sunday. Monday, we hung out with Aaron's mom's side of the family. Aaron's cousin Kristi makes all this gourmet food... she is absolutely fantastic!! A bunch of us were able to make it to their church service where we heard cousin Heather sing and play her guitar. She has such a beautiful, sweet voice. We all had a hard time staying awake because we had this amazing food in our tummies, and then the church service had very dimmed lights and candles. But the end was very cool-- We all stood around in a circle around the sanctuary, held colored candles, and sang "Silent Night." It was a nice thing... I didn't think I was even going to be able to make it to church this week... I'm so glad we could go!
Merry Christmas to you all! I hope you are all healthy and well...
May God grant you peace and hope this season, and this year.
I know he has for me.... I am so thankful and blessed.