Things I love:
1. Candles... currently burning "Cinnamon Sticks" and "Apple Pomegranate"
2. Autumn... the smell, the cool air, the color of the leaves and the sky, the nostalgia
3. Sweaters
4. a seasonal spice cup of coffee or tea... meaning, something
that contains cinnamon or pumpkin spice
5. Coffee shops, or anywhere with a fireplace
6. Bookstores... the smell and the atmosphere... I want
to read SO many books that I see....those of you who know me
know that I'm not a big reader because it's difficult for me to focus
long enough to finish a book... but I entertain myself by thinking
I might be able to finish a few books in a week sometime in my
life... all while burning candles in the fall and wearing a sweater while
drinking a spiced cup of tea by a fireplace...
7. Driving with my windows open between 8pm and 10pm.
8. Eating in my car outside a fast food restaurant with my windows down
and radio on. I don't eat fast food much, but sometimes a Wendy's Classic
burger with cheese sounds exactly like what I need... so I order it To-Go
and then sit in the parking lot (I don't like the bright florescent lights
of fast food places, and my car has a more comfy chair than those hard plastic
chairs in the restaurant).
9. Evenings of solitude while doing and enjoying all of the above.
10. Sleeping in... I got to do this today.... it has been SO LONG since
I was last able to do this!
11. Walks with Aaron in the fall.
12. Crate & Barrel and Pottery Barn's fall catalogs.
I can't afford anything in them, but they get my head spinning
with ideas.
13. Going "home" in the fall... because my mom always
has candles burning, and it reminds me of when I first went to college
and I'd get to come home on fall breaks and have this wonderful
meal and good family conversation.
my wife likes to drive with the windows down at nite too, she freezes me out.
Wow - we have SO much in common! Sleeping late - check. Coffee shops - check. I'll stop there because it would be a LONG list of things I am with you on! :)
oh my gosh, you are my soulmate.
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