Monday, September 24, 2007

A to Z Ramblings.

Do you ever just get so overwhelmed with daily happenings, and ideas, and knew knowledge, and questions about every aspect of life that you have no idea where to even start or finish or know how to even go on living life? (No no, I don't mean it in a depressing way.) You just think... How am I going to get from A to Z?

I get frustrated with my brain and my body because they don't always work as a team in regards to a normal daily schedule. In the late morning, my body is tired, but my mind is wide awake. In the late afternoon my mind is slow and my body is awake. In the evening around 9pm, my body is super tired and my mind is only kind of tired, so I decide to keep working. When I finally go to bed, my body has woken up a bit and is only a little tired, and my mind is going nuts with thoughts "I want to do (insert idea) with (photography/church/life/friends) but how do I find the (means/time/ability) to do that." The only time they're doing the same thing is in the morning when I wake up, when they're both tired.

I sometimes wish there were more hours in the night so I could work more, and sleep more. I try to fit both of those things into night when I should really be using it for sleeping.

I have to remember that getting from A to Z is a process and I'm already on the path, so all I have to do is follow it, and it will work itself out as long as I keep following that correct path. And in a year, maybe I'm only to K, and that's where I'll stay for 10 years... you know?

Oh my lands...
Just too much to think about. I drive myself nuts.

I had the most awesome photo shoot yesterday with a family
and then their oldest son's senior pics. I had him jump in the
pool with his clothes on, which he was totally willing to do.
SO much fun. Afterwards Teri (his mom) and I talked for like
an hour or so in the driveway. They are such an amazing family...



do i detect a sweet new blog with bigger pictures? or am i drunk :)

Steven Kang said...

Hi Ginger,
I think we all get like that sometimes. You are right about getting from A to Z is a process. Also right about following the correct path. Keep your focus on Jesus and all things will fall right into it's correct path.

anna joy said...

i know EXACTLY what you mean about the a-z thing. Thank God that he is our strength though :)

The City Girl said...

I don't even know where to start. I feel this way most of the time. Although, lately, I've been hearing the Lord tell me to give it all up to Him and He will bless it. It's been harder than worrying about A-Z. But I also know that anything woth having is worth working hard for! (Even if the working hard part=giving up the reigns.)