I feel SO much better today! I feel joyous and happy... which are probably the same thing... but that is how I feel:)
I've sneezed about 14 times today (make that 16, by the end of this post), but other than that, I'm feelin' pretty good. I'd say 90%.
My poor husband, though... he has the same sore throat:( He is a trooper and says that he's not feeling too badly.
Did anyone else watch the 4 hour premieres of "24"??? Oh man.... it has been a LONG (nearly) 2 years waiting for that show to return. Let me tell you. And in my opinion, it's already way better than the last season.
I also watched a bit of American Idol tonight. The guy that made me laugh the most was the black guy with a shaved head who sang really low. "I'm a cowboy... on a steel horse I ride..." HAHA!:) Oh, I hope they didn't hurt him too badly with their comments. I'm not a huge fan of the new judge. She's kinda a jerk. And by jerk, I don't mean the nice kind of jerk. The last contestant made me cry when he hugged his family... I don't think he even knows how amazing that is to be able to play the piano that well and be blind... he clearly has a gift for sound, even though he does not have sight.
10 years ago, if I had to choose to be blind or deaf, I would have chosen to be blind. But now that I have a love for photography... that decision would be impossible because I also love music so much too.
I haven't posted many photos lately! I'm bad!
Here are just a couple pics from Christmas Eve at my parents' house. It was such a fun time:

On Christmas Day, my parents, Aaron and I went to see my Grandma at her assisted living apartment. Isn't she lovely in her warm sweater?

My parents got Spartacus a very fun Christmas present. Aaron set it up when we got home, and Sparty had fun playing in it right away. It was totally cute!! Me, being the crazy pet owner that I am, had to take a photo...

We have his "house" in the basement now. When we watch TV, sometimes he goes crazy and likes to race from upstairs, to downstairs, across the room, up on the couch and behind the curtains. We call him "Insane-o Cat!" when he does this (said in a deep voiced announcer-tone as for a Monster Truck show)... then, he'll race back across the basement into his house. We call it his "Secret Cave" (because no one can see him... but really, we can... but don't tell him I told you). At this phase, he is called "Stealth Cat." He sits in the bottom level of his house, peering out... we know he is plotting things.

(taken with my super stealthy camera phone... )
He then BURSTS out of his Secret Cave and tears up the stairs, and we hear him run across the main level, into the kitchen-- where he hides behind the curtains.
Very peculiar and entertaining.
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