I've had some slight sniffles here and there, and some non-descript symptoms that made me feel simply "yucky," but nothing serious enough to even call a full out cold.
It's still not as bad as it could be... It's a sore throat, is all. Enough to be bothersome, that's for sure. I'm thankful that a sore throat is all it is, though (and I lose my voice if I sit quietly for awhile and try to talk again). Could be much worse. At least I can still talk without it hurting... fortunate for my husband, ha:)
What's probably worse, is that my hair has an attitude today.

Boo hoo for Ging.
Tomorrow will hopefully bring a non-ouch throat and a better hair day;)
In the process of changing my business colors, and I only now JUST realized I could change the colors on my blog. So I'm pretty excited. These are my current colors... Sometime within the next month, I will have a totally new color scheme!
I'm really tired (my body is fightin hard! go immune system, woooo!), so I need to take a nap for a bit, then will work for a few hours again...
Even being sick and having attitude hair, you are so darn cute!
You're preggo.
Ha ha ha!
I must tease you. It can't be helped.
We need to see each other in a non-cyber way. Perhaps I shall start a Facebook discussion on getting together for drinks or something...
Hm. If I'm preggo, I won't be able to drink... I see your tactics, Droogsma!!!!
(I'm not preggo... for anyone who is wondering... :))
Just realized Corrie's last name isn't Droogsma anymore... haha:)
Yeah, pregnancy can manifest itself in many ways, but a sore throat probably isn't a really common one...
Say in a sing-song voice: "Ginger Sanner!"
Sing song, like how I used to say it on our answering machine? Bah hahaha!
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