Friday, February 5, 2010

I miss you, sunshine!

February has arrived and it is technically the beginning of the 3rd month of wintertime in Minnesota. Sure, snow is great for when you have time to play in it on the weekends, and when it looks all lovely after a fresh snowfall... but after a few months, snow gets annoying... And I miss the sunshine! Not that the sun doesn't come out during the winter, but it's definitely not the warm sunshine we Minnesotas love in late Spring, Summer, and early Fall.

I needed an updated Facebook photo (the one I had up was from summer), so I snapped a quick pic outside in the snowfall while wearing one of my favorite chunky sweaters. (One of the things I do love about winter... sweaters!)

I do like the overall pretty-ness of the snow. Don't get my wrong... the blue tones in the background of the photo give the photo an overall cool (no pun intended) feel. (Not like "Cool" as in I'M cool. Cool as in A "chilled vibe.")

A few photos of sunshine to remind us of the warmer times...

In a month I will be headed to Las Vegas for a photography conference, which will be awesome in itself, but I honestly can't wait to feel the warm sunshine for a week!

1 comment:

melissa o said...

Man, I miss that sunshine too but in the meantime the winter blueish tone is making my day.