Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Haiti needs us.... they need YOU.

I am so saddened to hear the news of devastation in Haiti as a result of the earthquake. I spent over an hour looking at the different options for donating money to support the relief efforts-- I didn't know which organization could help the most... and then I heard on the radio that they needed medical assistance more than anything... and they needed it "NOW."

The Red Cross website says,
“As with most earthquakes, we expect to see immediate needs for food, water, temporary shelter, medical services and emotional support.”

Remember that even the smallest amount can help... it's hard to imagine that even $5 could help save a life... but it could. Even before the earthquake, 73% of Haitians do not have access to uncontaminated drinking water, and I can imagine getting access now is almost impossible with the roads filled with rubble, and people dealing with injuries. And, most of these people are not trained in even basic medical assistance... so we need to help them immediately...

My friend Anders mentions that they will also need donated blood.

I encourage you to donate blood and/or to one of the listed organizations here, as soon as possible-- and encourage others to do the same!

(If you are not sure which one to give to, the American Red Cross is a good one. (Red button on top right-- "DONATE NOW.")

A photographer over there, Daniel Morel, is documenting exactly why they need our help....
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Anders said...

I encourage people to donate blood all the time. They need blood every day, not just during disasters. It is however something that you can do (if you are eligible) that doesn't cost anything.

I know a lot of students out there who don't have much to give ($), but you can always give of yourself.

Jalvarado said...

do you know if photographers are allowed access right now?

Ginger Murray said...

Jalvarado -- Not that I know of. Daniel was already over there... I would imagine that only medically, relief or rescue trained people are allowed over there right now.

melissa o said...

I worked for the Red Cross in Utah and my heart always goes out to the people who work those offices but they have such a heart for people and feel so driven by it. Thanks for putting this up - Haiti does need our help. Terrible.

Stacy Cross said...

Well done on getting the word out, Ginger. You're a sweetheart.