Hey all!
I'll try to post a few pics in the next couple days!
I know I've been a lame-o. I've been working hard though!
Two weddings last weekend. What a fun time!
I would like to update you quickly on the bridge collapse.
They have found some POSSIBLE structural design issues...
It will be interesting to see how it works out. 88 vehicles were found at the collapse site. 5 dead, 8 missing, and 8 still in the hospital.
Can you believe anyone survived a BRIDGE COLLAPSE?
What a miracle...When you think of them, please pray for the families and friends
who have lost someone. I have felt your prayers... thank you. God's peace is upon me... I don't know what I would do without it. Every day since the collapse,
I would start to cry at certain times. Today was the first day I haven't cried... Which means I am healing. Just continue to pray for those families and friends of the lost. I am just so thankful (see post below if you already haven't). So thankful.
In the meantime, while you are waiting to see pics, here is the ... questionnaire(?) from
Steven's blog! I think it's a fun way to get to know people.
I'm not going to tag anyone, but I ENCOURAGE you all to do it
if you haven't!! I'd love to learn more about you!
1. Post these rules before you give you the facts.
2. List eight (8) random facts about yourself.
3. At the end of your post, choose (tag) someone and list their name (linking to their page.
4. Leave them a comment on their blog letting them know they've been tagged!
About me:
1. I just got my haircut... shorter than ever before... and I think I like it.
It's super cute and exactly what I asked for... just taking some getting used to.
2. My hero: Jesus. Would not be here without him. Neither living, nor where I am at in life. Changed my entire perspective on things.
3. I am a volunteer for
NILMDTS (Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep). Remembrance photography... We take photos of babies who will be or have been taken off life support. Thankfully I don't receive too many calls. But I feel priveldged to be a part of such a wonderful organization. (If you're interested in joining, let me know, and I can talk to you about it more.)Basically, I felt that because it's something I CAN do, then I should. I need to use my gift for the benefit of others... and the parents who have lost their little one will always have the memories, and the photographs to help them remember and heal.
4. My favorite place in the world that I've traveled is the island of Capri, Italy.
I spent three glorious days there when I was on my free travel away from school. Studied communication in Europe for the fall of 2003.
5. I have a passion for beauty... beauty in the world, and in people... especially
in women, because there is the stereotype that the media presents of what beauty is... But I think all people are beautiful. Someday, I'm thinking I will use my photography or speaking to work towards helping women understand they are a beautiful creation... Maybe I will only teach these things to my children, but even if that, I would be happy. We'll see where God takes me with that passion. My passion started in the Spring of 2003. When Dove came along with their Campaign for Real Beauty, I could hardly believe it-- finally, someone was doing something in the media spotlight that went along with my own views!!!
This 30 second video is a good visual on some of my thoughts of the media and beauty:
Please watch:
6. I play the cello. Started at age 12. My husband plays the cello too. We met in our college orchestra (I know. That's super cheesy). We get to be stand partners in the Northern Symphony Orchestra when we have the time to be in it. Very enjoyable.
7. In high school I was in tennis (A co-captain with one of my best friends!), track (I pole vaulted), I downhill skied(And for as many years as I have done this sport, you'd think I'd be amazing at it... Well, I'm not.), and I was voted Most School Spirit. Out of our class of 680. That's right. And I was active in lots of other stuff. I tell you this because now I am out of shape, and I don't have time (or should I say I don't make time?) to be as active (There's this little thing called "just starting your own business!")... But, I can't wait to have kids and be active with them. I'll be the mom in the stands yelling like a madwoman, and my kid will be like, "Oh my gosh... my mom is so embarrassing... Mom! MOM! PLEASE BE QUIET!"
8. Not having kids for at least 4 years (FINGERS CROSSED!!!:)) My husband and I have our one baby right now... Spartacus. Our naughty but sweet cat.
((((9. I write a lot....)))))